School Nurse
Nurse's direct line
Heritage Elementary is dedicated to the health, education, and well-being of all Eagles! We have a dedicated and trained healthcare professional on campus to care for your child during school hours. School nurses assist with meeting the medical needs of students, as well as providing the following:
- Nursing diagnosis and treatment of acute illness or injury
- Referrals of illnesses/injuries not suitable for diagnosis or treatment in the school clinic
- Blood pressure monitoring
- Medication administration (with written permission)
- Nutrition education
- Assistance in the management of Diabetes, Asthma, Sickle Cell disease, and other chronic illnesses that may affect learning in the school setting
- Parental education
- Staff training
- Point of contact for reporting of contagious illnesses within the school setting
Each year it is required for a parent/guardian to complete the Annual Data Update electronically through the Infinite Campus Parent Portal. This provides us with the most current and accurate contact & health information in case of an emergency for your child. We are unable to accept parental consent for medication administration over the phone or in writing - it MUST be updated electronically through the Infinite Campus Parent Portal (here are some instructions to help).
Any students that need to take medication while at school must adhere to the Board of Education Policy and have a Medication Authorization Form filled out annually to be placed on file at school.
All medicine turned in for student use must be in the original container. Prescription medications must be in a prescription bottle with a current prescription label dated within the last 30 days.
Any medication taken for more than 20 days or considered a controlled substance must also have a doctor's signature on the form.
Medication Administration Policy Medication Authorization Form
Student Health Plans
Any students diagnosed with and/or being treated for a chronic health condition should have a Health Plan/School Management Plan on file. Please download the appropriate form from below and have it filled out by the student's doctor. If medications related to the chronic health condition are to be kept at school, a Medication Authorization Form must be filled out by the student's doctor and be on file at the school. Your doctor may have their own form. As long as all needed information is provided, that will suffice.
Allergy & Anaphylaxis: Allergy and Anaphylaxis Care Plan
Asthma: Asthma Health Care Plan
Diabetes: Diabetes Medical Management Form (pdf) Diabetes Medical Management Form (doc)
Seizure: Seizure Action Plan
Other: Health Care Plan, Other
CareDox: Student Electronic Health Records